PC Design - PC Design

Support of 3D graphics programs since 1991
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Since 1991 is 'one-man' company 'Ing. Libor Štolc - PC Design' supporting and distributing 3D graphics design programs. The first program was Design CAD 2D/3D developed by US company ASBC. These programs are still in the development and in this country are supported and distributed by Ing. Petr Falek.
Next supported program since 1994 up to 2008 was famous Caligari trueSpace.
Since 2009 is supported and distributed Realtime Landscaping Architect and since 2013 is the name changed to NBL Landscape Designer.
Since 2012 is supported program pCon.planner for offices and interiors design.
Since 2015 is supported program Tilelook for 3D designs of bathrooms and interiors.
Since 2019 is supported program Twinmotion for real-time architectural visualization.
Below you find four buttons with links to standalone web pages of programs shortly mentioned above except programs DesignCAD 2D/3D and Caligari trueSpace. These web pages are only in Czech language.
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Ing. Libor Štolc - PC Design
Na Zástřelu 40
162 00 Praha 6
IČO: 1249 2655  DIČ: CZ510427047
tel. 724 292 462
email: libor.stolc@pcdesign.cz
Last update of this web page was on 1st of January, 2022
Latest news:
11th of March 2020 - Twinmotion 2020 realesed

12th of March 2020 - update of RAKO online tile library for Tilelook

7th of April 2020 - pCon.planner 8.3 released

10th of August 2020 - Twinmotion 2020.2 realesed

1st of September 2020 - NBL Landscape Designer 2020 CZ realesed for Czech and Slovak users

December 2020 - pCon.planner 8.4 released

30th of March 2021 - Twinmotion 2021.1 realesed

April 2021 - pCon.planner 8.5 released

November 2021 - Twinmotion 2022.1 Preview 1 realesed

Support of 3D graphics programs since 1991
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